Dusty Kennedy Blah, blah, blah...


Conversations with a Child

Last night, Iliana and I were on our way back from dinner and a trip to Wal-Mart.  While we were at Wal-Mart, Iliana spotted a toy that she wanted.  It was a mermaid Dora.  She said that she really wanted it.  I told her that if she was good, then...



Yoda was wrong.  Yeah, I said it.  Don’t get me wrong; I still love the guy, but he was wrong.  In one of his more famous quotes he said, “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”  Implying...


My Daughter, Part Deux

setting:  Iliana’s bedroom.  Putting lotion on after bath. Iliana:  Daddy. Me:  Yeah, sweetie. Iliana:  (points to scratch on her knee)  My boo-boo is really red, but it’s getting better. Me:  Really?  Well, good. Iliana:  It’s because Jesus is healing it.  He’s God.  He can stand on the clouds but we...



If you have a Mac, you need to check out MacHeist.  There have a ton of awesome apps for Macs for only $39!  The total value of the bundle is close to $1000.  Also, and here’s the kicker, 25% of each sell goes to charity.  Can’t get much better than...


My Daughter

Each day, I am amazed.  I am amazed that such a wonderful being can share the same genetic make up as me.  Seriously, my daughter is awesome!  I’m blown away by some of the stuff that she says and some of the things she does. Just the other day, she...


2009 Little Rock Half Marathon

Where do I begin? Well, it turned out like I expected. No, I didn’t have my best half marathon time. I had my worst. 2:27:54 to be exact. Let me paint the picture for ya. Saturday night I didn’t want to get my stuff ready for the race. I eventually...


Great Running Weather

Yeah, if you’ve seen my Facebook status, you know I’m sick and I have a race coming up. And that I think this weather sucks. Tuesday afternoon, it was 81 degrees. Thursday afternoon, it was 31 degrees. Anyone else see the problem here. So, now I’m all congested and hacking...


Brandon Hall

I would like all of my friends and family and anyone else that reads this to take a minute and say a prayer for a good friend of mine, Brandon Hall.  He is one of the most amazing and compassionate men I have ever had the honor to meet.  This...


Deja vu

I used to have a boss that was quite a character.  He was an amazing guy; he just didn’t always make the right decisions.  You see, he was this up-and-coming young firecracker.  His name was Rick.  Everyone one at work loved him the moment he started.  He was hired in...


DIY – Failed

Well, I tried the DIY DTV antenna.  I failed miserably. Well, maybe not failed, but the antenna failed to pick up any signals.  I think it only works on TVs that have a built in digital tuner.  Either that, or I was just too far away from a signal.  It...