Burkina Faso 2016
June 7th, 2016 ? am
Brussels, Belgium
I have no idea what time it is, just that it’s early in the morning. We’ve now got a few hours layover in Brussels, Belgium again before our next flight to Newark, NJ. Everyone are zombies scattered around the terminal. Trying to rest or trying to wake up. During the whole trip, I never slept on the plane. I could never really get comfortable so I just watched movies. You would think that now that I’m somewhere that I could lay down, I would try to rest. But I ended up spending my time uploading Missionary Minute videos to YouTube now that I had a good internet connection. And by the time I finished, it was time to go.

Brussels to Newark, NJ
? am/pm
Back on American soil! At this point, I don’t even know what time (or day) it is. Still tired and once again not sleeping on the flight, we stumble through customs, acquire our luggage and then go through security again for our flight to Houston. Yeah…we fly past Little Rock to go to Houston.

Newark to Houston
6pm … I think
As we race to our connection, we worry that our bags won’t make it. But at this point, I don’t think many of us care. It has been a very long trip and during the final leg, I look out of the window and see the sunset. The same sun that just days before I watch set from an African village. I serve a big God.

Sunset from Houston to Little Rock

Houston to Little Rock
Touchdown, Arkansas! (Something I always like to say when landing back in Arkansas. Lord knows we don’t get to hear it enough during football season.) At this point, I think most of us are just the walking dead. Well, I can’t speak for anyone else, but I know I am. We did it. We got home. Or should I say, God got us home. Upon leaving the security checkpoint, I see the most wonderful sight…my wife and 2 daughters waiting to pick me up. Words can’t express how happy I was to see them. We gathered up all of the luggage and made the relatively short, 1 hour drive back to Searcy. I’m pretty sure I dozed off during that trip, but once I got home, I don’t think my bed has ever felt so good.
In conclusion…
It was a fantastic trip. One, that looking back on months from taking it, that I’ll never forget. I’ve been able to stay in touch with the Streams In Burkina Faso team and offer my services as a website developer. It’s be great to see everything they are accomplishing for God’s Kingdom. I would love to go back some day, but not sure when that will be. Until then, I’ll just have to keep watching the videos and praying for the people.
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