Category: Humor



If only it were this easy. I expected him to be a little less formal though.  I was hoping for a “Hey, Dusty!  What’s up?  You okay?  Let’s just chat for a while.  How the kids?  You haven’t posted pics of them in a while.  I know you’re busy, but,...


Facebook Will Rule the World

Hey everyone. I know I haven’t posted much in a while, and I don’t have anything really big to talk about now. I just wanted to post this pic that my friend Dustin posted on his Tumblr page. Had to pass it on: Thanks Dustin!



Yoda was wrong.  Yeah, I said it.  Don’t get me wrong; I still love the guy, but he was wrong.  In one of his more famous quotes he said, “Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”  Implying...


Deja vu

I used to have a boss that was quite a character.  He was an amazing guy; he just didn’t always make the right decisions.  You see, he was this up-and-coming young firecracker.  His name was Rick.  Everyone one at work loved him the moment he started.  He was hired in...


New Favorite Video

If you love A Capella, Star Wars, and John Williams, then you’ll love this. Yeah, I know that’s a weird combination, but you gotta check it out. Check out Moosebutter (the real voices to the music).


Great Read

I just found my new favorite blog: Stuff Christians Like Read it. Now. Seriously, click on the link. You’ll be glad you did. TIP: Start from the beginning and read them in order.


Mike Huckabee…Chuck Norris Approved

You know, I’m still on the fence about who I’m gonna vote for. I really like Ron Paul, but Huckabee has a lot of momentum going into the Primaries. Ideally, I would love to see a Huckabee/Paul ticket come next November. I saw this clip and was almost rolling in...


Great Suggestions for Fathers with Daughters

A friend of mine sent me an email she got that contained the following. I think I’ll have to employ a few of these techniques. Enjoy! When I was in high school I used to be terrified of my girlfriend’s father, who I believe suspected me of wanting to place...