Category: Kids


Anyone out there?

Yeah. It’s been QUITE a while since I updated this blog.  I’m trying to balance all of the technology I use to stay connected and I think I’m dangerously close to overload.  Here are the different ways to keep up with me: Facebook Twitter Tumblr LinkedIn Google+ And those are...


My Family

Well, it’s been a while since I updated everyone on the family.  So, since no one reading this is interested in what I’m writing, I’ll go ahead and post the pics: My Beautiful Family Everyone is doing great at the Kennedy household.  I’m still working at Acxiom and am enjoying...


More Pics

I know I haven’t been blogging a lot lately, I’ve just got a lot going on.  But, I could not ignore the cries from Mrs. Allison any longer.  I don’t have a ton of pics on the computer that I’m currently on, but these will have to do.  Thanks everyone....


Proud Papa

Have you ever worked at an office where there was one person that insisted on showing you pictures of their kids?  You know the person I’m talking about.  This is the person that no matter how times you say, “Yeah…cute kids.  Now, can you please send me that requirements document?”...


Special Delivery

We got a baby!  We got a baby!  This morning at 8:22 am, the newest addition to our family arrived.  Meet Simona Juliette Kennedy. Weight:  6 lbs. 13 oz. Height:  20 3/4 inches We are super excited to welcome her into our family. We were finally able to talk Iliana...


Still Here…

I know it’s been a while since I posted anything, but I’ve been incredibly busy. May was probably our busiest month in a long time.  Here are a couple of things that have happened since the last time I posted. Iliana turned 4 We went to a couple of different...


Conversations with a Child

Last night, Iliana and I were on our way back from dinner and a trip to Wal-Mart.  While we were at Wal-Mart, Iliana spotted a toy that she wanted.  It was a mermaid Dora.  She said that she really wanted it.  I told her that if she was good, then...


My Daughter, Part Deux

setting:  Iliana’s bedroom.  Putting lotion on after bath. Iliana:  Daddy. Me:  Yeah, sweetie. Iliana:  (points to scratch on her knee)  My boo-boo is really red, but it’s getting better. Me:  Really?  Well, good. Iliana:  It’s because Jesus is healing it.  He’s God.  He can stand on the clouds but we...


My Daughter

Each day, I am amazed.  I am amazed that such a wonderful being can share the same genetic make up as me.  Seriously, my daughter is awesome!  I’m blown away by some of the stuff that she says and some of the things she does. Just the other day, she...