Category: Politics


Dear Tim Cook…and All of the Other Passionate CEOs

I don’t blog very often.  A quick glance at the history of this site and you can easily verify that fact.  Why?  Because I’m lazy.  With so many avenues to post one’s opinion, I’m tired before I get started.  So, to me motivated enough to jot down a few thoughts,...


Social Location Technologies

Question:  Why have we as a society become so enamored with telling everyone what we are doing and where we are? Think about that for a bit. With applications like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and others, we can let people know what we are doing every second of the day.  I’m...


Deja vu

I used to have a boss that was quite a character.  He was an amazing guy; he just didn’t always make the right decisions.  You see, he was this up-and-coming young firecracker.  His name was Rick.  Everyone one at work loved him the moment he started.  He was hired in...


Dear America,

My fellow Americans, why such the fervor today?  As we stand at this historic(?) precipice, I ask you to consider this:  Why is today so historic?  I understand that Mr. Obama is about to become the first black President.  I get that.  But why is it cause for a 4-day,...


Random Thought

I was thinking the other day about Obama’s plan to “spread the wealth around.” I’m about to go for a drive so ride along with me, if you will. Obama, our new President Elect, has stated many times that he is going to spread the wealth around. So, those that...



Where do I even begin? Someone please explain to me how giving a bunch of people, that have proven to be bad with money, more money is going to be good for the economy. Did I miss something here? Am I taking crazy pills? I’m not an economics professor or...


Hillary Clinton…Give me one good reason.

Ya know, one of the things that frustrates me most about this candidate is her supporters. Not the informed ones, but the uninformed ones. I have no problem with people that can give me a good reason for voting for her. My problem comes when people use one or two...


Mike Huckabee…Chuck Norris Approved

You know, I’m still on the fence about who I’m gonna vote for. I really like Ron Paul, but Huckabee has a lot of momentum going into the Primaries. Ideally, I would love to see a Huckabee/Paul ticket come next November. I saw this clip and was almost rolling in...