Category: Work


The Secrets of Japan

If you don’t enjoy food and don’t get excited about learning new recipes, then you can skip this post. I love Koto’s.  A lot.  For those of you poor and unfortunate souls that don’t know, Koto’s is a Japanese Steak House about a block from my office.  It is quite...


Deja vu

I used to have a boss that was quite a character.  He was an amazing guy; he just didn’t always make the right decisions.  You see, he was this up-and-coming young firecracker.  His name was Rick.  Everyone one at work loved him the moment he started.  He was hired in...


Meetings…How the Roman Empire really fell

Answer me this: If you are in meetings all week, how are you supposed to get your job done?  That’s what I’m struggling with.  In meetings all day…all week.  That equals no fun. On another note, I’ve gotten back to my training schedule and ran with my friend Jon Monday...


Jacksonville, FL

I’ve spent the past week in Jacksonville, FL. At first glance, that seems like a nice vacation. But, alas, it not vacation; it is work. Amy was really wanting to go to this trip but I found out kinda last minute and there was no way we could afford the...


Another stellar trip

You may have seen my note that I was in Boston last week. I flew in on Monday with 6 co-workers to train on a new admin system that we are purchasing. I have to admit, I was pretty pumped to go. I have always wanted to go to Boston...


New Job

Well, so far, so good. I really like the new office. Everyone here is super friendly. Maybe that’s because they haven’t asked me to do anything yet, who knows. A few new people start this week. They pretty much tripled the size of their team with this round of hirings....


Starting over again

Well, today is my last day at PBSI. I’ve just about got everything boxed up and ready to go. I’m kinda scared and nervous and excited all at the same time. I just took my replacement to a few of the areas that I visit and work with on a...



It has been quite a week. I got a job offer this week and accepted. Good news is that it allows us to have Amy home full time. Most people are more excited about that than the fact that I got a new job. Seems like a really great company...