Okay, we’ve all seen the emails or the ads on hundreds of sites trying to give away free stuff for iPods to Xboxes and everything in between. Well, I have it on pretty good authority that this actually works. I was listening to a podcast yesterday of a couple of respectable guys and they were talking about this. One of the guys just got a new, free Apple Powerbook. Well, “free” might not be the best word. More like “extremely reduced price.” Cause, come on, we all know that nothing is free. He plugged a guy’s site that showed him how to do this. So I went to it and everything looks legit. So, I will pass it on to you guys. Well, I looked it over and thought, “What the heck. I’ll give it a try.” Well, I picked a site that was recommended and got a little too excited. I decided to go for the Plasma TV. I should have known better than to do that. Long story short, I should have gone through all of the offers first. Well, I’m gonna change mine to the Xbox 360. Lot less stuff you have to do. Evidently, the more expensive the gift, the more offers you have to complete. So, I’ll keep you update on the progress of this.

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3 Responses

  1. Josh Clark says:

    Hey, I just found the link you posted to my site. I’m assuming you were talking about the X3 podcast? Those guys are great.
    Don’t be dissuaded. Craig said his Mac cost $320, but when I did mine it cost less than $100, and people have gotten them for much less than that.
    Anyway, saw the link and just thought I’d say hi. Good luck on the Xbox and God bless!

  1. July 2, 2007

    […] I made a post about how to get a free xbox. Well, I wasn’t sure if this would work but I had heard about some guys getting free Macs […]

  2. December 26, 2007

    […] offers. If you remember from last spring, I tried getting an Xbox 360 from these offers. Jump over here or here to refresh your […]

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