Long Run

Well, I did my long run Saturday. 10 miles. All I can say is … head winds suck. I basically did an out and back. Out was fine. I normally don’t feel a tail wind. When I started feeling the head wind, I knew I was going to have problems coming back. When I hit about mile 5 1/2 and turned to go back west, the wind hit me full force and just about took my breath away.

Still got a long ways to go.

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7 Responses

  1. Through the hourglass I saw you, in time you slipped away
    When the mirror crashed I called you, and turned to hear you say
    If only for today I am unafraid

  2. Dusty says:

    Once again, I had to read you comment multiple times and still am left with a, “Huh?”

  3. Alison says:

    Poetry is subjective… just add some cool music to it and go with the flow! 😉

  4. Dusty says:

    Yeah, I’m used to him quoting lyrics, but I’m trying to understand his “motivation” for quoting them in this particular post. 🙂

  5. Alison says:

    Since we’re talking about him behind his back, I’m amazed someone who is so logical has poetry in his soul!

  6. Dusty says:

    As logical a Dustin is, I’ve always seen him as more of a poet than a programmer. 😉

  7. Now I understand the “burning ears” comment on my blog!

    I considered not clearing up the mystery my comment has spawned, but decided against it. Those are the lyrics to “Take My Breath Away” by Berlin.

    I do write my own poetry occasionally, but this was not one of those times.

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