Mike Huckabee…Chuck Norris Approved

You know, I’m still on the fence about who I’m gonna vote for. I really like Ron Paul, but Huckabee has a lot of momentum going into the Primaries. Ideally, I would love to see a Huckabee/Paul ticket come next November. I saw this clip and was almost rolling in the floor. I love the “Chuck Norris Facts” anyway, but to make HuckChuck Facts…one word: Classic.


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2 Responses

  1. Dusty says:

    That’s kinda arrogant. But to answer your question, no. The fact of the matter is, I plan on voting for Ron Paul, but I still don’t think he has a snowball’s chance on winning. Therefore, I’d love to see someone with momentum that could possibly win it, pick him up as their running mate. I think Paul and Huckabee have more in common than Paul and anyone else.

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