My Daughter, Part Deux

setting:  Iliana’s bedroom.  Putting lotion on after bath.

Iliana:  Daddy.

Me:  Yeah, sweetie.

Iliana:  (points to scratch on her knee)  My boo-boo is really red, but it’s getting better.

Me:  Really?  Well, good.

Iliana:  It’s because Jesus is healing it.  He’s God.  He can stand on the clouds but we can’t.  Only Mary Poppins and He can walk in the clouds.  But only her can when she has her umbrella.  Only when her umbrella is open.  We can’t walk on the clouds.

Me:  (scratching head and thinking) er…that’s right sweetie.  (okay.  I’m a little conflicted.  I’m super excited that my daughter knows that Jesus is God.  But I think I need to put in a little more time helping her distinguish between God and Disney.)

Kids…they say the funniest things.

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2 Responses

  1. “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee…”
    That’s not talking about Mary Poppins???

  2. Dusty says:


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