
If only it were this easy.

I expected him to be a little less formal though.  I was hoping for a “Hey, Dusty!  What’s up?  You okay?  Let’s just chat for a while.  How the kids?  You haven’t posted pics of them in a while.  I know you’re busy, but, man, I love seeing pictures of your kids.  I know they bring you so much joy and I love to see you like that.  My dad does the same thing.  Every chance he gets, he’s telling people about me.  It can be embarrassing sometimes, but I know he means well.”

And on and on.  You get the picture.

The other morning I was running with a friend of mine and the conversation went to what we thought it would be like when we got to heaven and were in the presence of God.  I said that I imagined I would crawl up in God’s lap and just sit there for a while like my girls do to me.  And now that I think about it, I would love to have conversations with Jesus like the one outlined above.  What I’m still learning is that I can have those conversations now.  I just have to clear away the clutter so that I can hear his side of the conversation.

That and shut up long enough so that He can get a word in every now and then.

(P.S.  Yes.  I know this is probably some Hispanic guy who’s name is pronounced “HAY-zeus.”  But when you click on a “Live Chat” button to talk to customer service, and you see that you are “chatting with Jesus,” it kinda makes you smile and write fun little blog posts.)

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