Searcy High School Performing Arts Center

Search High School Performing Arts CenterI went to the Celebration and Dedication of the new Searcy High School Performing Arts Center this afternoon. All I can say is … wow! It is probably the most state of the art facility that I have seen. And you know what? Those stupid kids won’t even know how to appreciate it. I made that comment to Amy as I was turning on my modded Xbox that I have hooked up to my home network which allows me to stream media throughout my house and she said, “That’s probably what the generation before us says about us.” As I queue up the latest episode of Prison Break, I think, you know, she’s probably right. I blame technology. I mean, when people continue to make amazing technological breakthroughs, I am forced to adapt and master it or acquire it. I can’t help it. I’m a victim.

But back to the new PAC. The auditorium seats approximately 1550. The old one didn’t have a balcony but this one does. This auditorium rivals some professions houses that I’ve seen/worked in. It is nice. The old one also didn’t have fly space, which drastically limited set designs. If you can’t fly drops in or out and are stuck with just one backdrop, you can’t do much. It also has some built in gadgets that will greatly enhance the ability to perform with multimedia.

After the ceremony, we were given a tour of the facility, which also included the new classrooms. One of the first classrooms was the video production class, which I’m still kinda ticked off that they didn’t have when I was there. We walk in the room and there was a table with 12 of these lined up down the middle:
24-inch iMac
And that’s just for sound editing and graphics design. They also had 5 or 6 edit bays that had more iMacs in them. I almost peed my pants. They easily had $50,000 worth of computers and equipment in that one classroom. We then proceed to see the other classrooms, which were very impressive, but not nearly as impressive as the video production class. The new band and choir rooms were awe inspiring as well. The acoustics were phenomenal. As I was passing the choir director’s office, I noticed another iMac on her desk. Then I noticed that she was running Windows XP on it. I wanted to smack her. I know, I know, she probably has to run Windows for all of the education programs that all the teachers have to use. She’s probably dual booting…hopefully.

I stopped by the drama room because, ya know, that’s something that’s kinda near and dear to my heart. I talked to the new drama teacher and it turns out that she graduated Searcy in ’95. I told her that I graduated in ’94 and wondered if we knew each other. She said that she didn’t know anyone that wasn’t in her class. I told her that I was really excited for her and congratulated her on being able to start with an awesome theater (it’s her first year at Searcy as a teacher). I am really looking forward to seeing a show there.

Another plus for the theater is that they are going to allow the community to use it for special events. I have always wanted to direct a production of Godspell. I’ve been toying with the idea of forming an inter-denominational group that would basically incorporate all the talents of all the churches in the area to put on a show that would benefit a particular ministry or mission organization. Maybe I’m a bit closer to that dream. So, if you are reading this and live in Searcy and enjoy theater (on stage or back stage), drop me a line and let me know.

Well, I’m going to go back to being jealous of a bunch of teenagers. If they had built that theater when I was there, I would have never left the PAC. Ever. I would have been the biggest band and drama geek at the school.

Wait a minute….oh yeah, I was.

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2 Responses

  1. Alison says:

    When I was growing up there was a place called “Deer Forest” in a nearby town that we loved to go to. You got to pet the deer and other livestock and they had a little train that went around the park that you could ride on. We’d have a picnic lunch and we thought it was quite the adventure.
    One year when Jeff and his bros were around 3, 6 and 8 yrs. old we took them to that animal park that I told them about as being so cool. Now remember, the boys grew up in FL- Disney, Busch Gardens, Boardwalk & Baseball, etc.
    The boys were like, SO unimpressed. I was so shocked at what a sad little rundown place it was. Even lunch at McDonald’s w/ a play park was more of an adventure than Deer Forest!
    Things change. Memories are usually fun-er. (hopefully)

  2. Dusty says:

    Thank you for sharing that. And I agree.

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