
This is a little update to let everyone that is not reading this know that my training is going well. This past weekend, Matt and I went to Conway (that’s where the race is gonna be) to ride the course again. We met some guys there that are training for the race as well. One of the guys told us about the race and where everything would be set up, the transitions, and all the markings on the road for the courses. I was set on trying to improve a little on my time on the ride. About 2 miles into the ride, Matt’s rear tire blew so he had to go back to the truck and insisted that I continue with the rest of the 11 miles of the course. I almost bowed out at mile 4, but then realized that Matt would probably be really mad at me if I did. So I continued and ended up shaving about 7 minutes off of my previous time. It was a hard ride, but it helped my with my confidence.

When I got back, Matt decided that since he didn’t ride he wanted to try the run course. So he started the run and I quickly caught up with him on bike. After we finished that, we did the swim, or at least some of the swim. All the while, our wives and daughters were on their way to meet us so that we could have a little picnic and swim after we finished training. I felt bad for the girls because the map they had didn’t do good at getting them to where we were and Iliana was tired of sitting in her car seat and let everyone know about it. I still think we had a good time playing in the water and, all in all, a pretty good Saturday.

Sunday was a good day too. As I mentioned earlier, Sunday is considered “Sunday, Run day!” Actually, we have started running more that just on Sunday. I finally got my run up to 3 miles non-stop and actually increased my pace. I have learned that most any exercise you do goes longer if your breathing is in a certain pattern. I think I could have gone longer, but, hey, I did my 3 miles and figured, okay, that’s enough.

All in all, the training is going good. Now I just have to find a road bike for the competition and register. Until the next time …

P.S. I think I may have found the answer to a secure website. I could post all of my bank accounts and credit card information right here and it would be perfectly safe, because no one ever comes here.

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2 Responses

  1. Dustin says:

    I come here and I found this post interesting.

    But feel free to post that credit card information…I won’t tell. ;p

  2. Kay Bradford says:

    Hey, Dusty. Go ahead with the credit card info.

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