
Not a whole lot going on here in Arkansas. Still going to work everyday in North Little Rock. Amy’s still at the Bible House. We long for the day that Amy can stay home with Iliana. Maybe I can invent some crazy thing that will change life itself. That should make me some money.

Anyway, Iliana is still growing like a weed. It’s fun watching her grow and start to develop her own personality. She loves playing with her Play-Doh and her markers and crayons.

We are supposed to go to Fayetteville this weekend to visit Amy’s parents. While we’re there, Amy and I are supposed to go to the Arkansas-Tennessee game. It should be fun since a group of our friends are going too. I just found out earlier today that ESPN Game Day is supposed to be there. So, that should make it interesting. Nothing like a bunch of Rednecks representing our fine state and “Callin’ the Hogs!” It’s gonna be fun though because all of our friends are Tennessee fans and we will be sitting in the TN section. Amy and I, mostly me, will be the only person wearing red in a sea of orange.

That’s about it. Not a lot of exciting things going on here. After all, it’s Arkansas…but it’s home.


P.S. You should check out this site, Momentum Church. It’s a great church and their lessons are really good.

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