
XXXChurchI have long followed the ministry that is xxxchurch and admired how they have been in the trenches for quite a few years now.  The ministry was created by Craig Gross and Mike Foster, and even though Mike has gone on to other ministries, Craig is still rockin’ the porn shows telling the people there that Jesus loves them.  This is something that I can really get behind.  Too often, we as Christians, tend to judge and condemn those in the industry, while secretly supporting it through our internet activity.  The guys and gals at xxxchurch have decided to stand in the gap and try to show Christ’s love to the people in the industry and at the same time provide help to provide resources for people struggling with porn addiction. If you get a chance to check them out, head over to xxxchurch and see what they are doing. And if you feel led, make a donation so that they can continue to be Jesus to those that are suffering.

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